Friday, March 20, 2009

Performance Art

Today in my second class @ GSU we worked with movement. What is that you say???? Well let me explain. My second class is a critical thinking through writing class which is kind of more art and thinking then writing per say. Throughout the semester we have worked on an altered book, a performance art piece that was related to our altered book and now we are working on movement. So today we were outside in the park that is next to GSU and we were doing all kinds of things. We started out by doing a Butoh movement. We had to walk across the field with out feet never leaving the ground, no heel to ball of foot movement. You were sliding your feet, standing up very straight with your head up and your eyes forward and breathing. It was like a form of meditation almost. I thought that part was pretty fun!!! We also crawled on the ground like we were climbing a mountain, acted like we were disfigured people, put our trust in our class mates by closing our eyes and doing several different exercises. Again all I can say was today was very cool!!!!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009


I started this countdown a little over a week ago but I am getting really antsy now... I have started packing already!!!!

I still have no idea as to what I am taking...

Maybe it will help if I explain... I am going on a cruise, but not just any cruise a concert cruise headlined by John Clayton Mayer!!!! This will be the second one that I have been on so I am pretty excited and I hope it is better then the last one. The last on was a great one but I am always up for bigger and better.

So back to my original question...What should I pack!!!!???? It's getting down to the wire. I only have about a week and a couple of days left.

I will think on it an get back....



Ok, so I have to say that I haven't been keeping up with this at all!!!

I had a great time in Mexico in October and I can't wait to go back. There was lots of parties and dancing and drinking!!!! Check out some of my pics.